Make a solution of the yeast and the water (tepid), add a small amount of flour, just to make it like a pap, and then let it rise. Add the other ingredients except the eggs and let it rise. The third time, stir in the beaten eggs. Knead all the ingredients together and let the dough rise. For the filling mix all the ingredients together until they become like a cream.
In order to make the kalitsounia, roll out the dough into a 1/2 cm thick pastry sheet and cut it in the shape of a tea saucer. Fill each pastry sheet with a tbsp. of the filling in the middle and fold it as to shape a rectangle. Leave them in a warm place to rise (for about 2 hours), baste them with a beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame and put them into the oven.
Tags: dessert, treat, mizithra cheese, Pies - kalitsounia
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