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Cretan Quality Label Cretan Quality Label

Cuttlefish with spinach


1/2 kilo spinach
1 kilo cuttlefish or octopus
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 cup olive oil
1 lemon, juiced
Salt and pepper



Clean the cuttlefish, remove the intestines, bones and ink bags. Chop and saute them with onion and olive oil, until slightly brown on all sides. Add 2 cups of water, reduce the temperature and simmer for about 45 minutes. Use a fork to check if cuttlefish is almost done.
Clean and cut spinach in thick pieces and add into the pot. Add a little salt and pepper, stir and let simmer with the lid on for 20-25 minutes. Pour the lemon juice over the food and stir. Serve warm or slightly cold.


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