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Cretan Quality Label Cretan Quality Label

Tsoureki made with yeast


1 kg flour
350 gr sugar
½ kg cream
6 eggs
½ tsp ground machlepi
80 gr yeast
½ cup water
A few slivers of almonds


Beat the sugar and egg yolks well together, and beat the whites separately. Put the flour into a bowl, make a well in the centre and add the yeast dissolved in a little warm water. Then, slowly add the beaten yolks and sugar, the stiff egg whites and finally the warmed, thinned cream. Mix well to a dough and leave in a warm place until it has risen. Knead well again and if it sticks to your hands rub them with a little melted butter. Form the tsourekia into shapes (half-moons, snails, bars) and leave them to rise again. When they are ready, brush them with beaten egg and scatter over the almond slivers. Bake in the oven at 200 C for about half an hour.


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