Option 1
1 kg lamb |
Wash the meat, cut into pieces, season it and roll in flour. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the finely chopped onion together with the meat. Add the chopped tomatoes, finely chopped parsley, salt, pepper and 2 cups of water. Cover the pan and leave to cook for one hour. In the meantime wash the courgettes; cut them into medium-sized pieces or if they are very small, they may be left whole. Add to the meat in the pan and continuing cooking for about another half hour.
Option 2
1 cup olive oil
Saute the meat with the onion or leek in olive oil. Add half of the tomatoes, cover the meat with water, salt, pepper and courgettes and let everything boil very well. When almost done, add the rest of the tomato. Cook thoroughly, until the sauce thickens.
Tags: lamb, zucchini, meat, main dish, greens, Greens and vegetables
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